Tri-Tronics Multi Sport 3 User Manual
Page 18

T R I - T R O N I C S
U s i n g t h e S t i m u l a t i o n B u t t o n s
Continuous Stimulation
The trainer controls timing of continuous stimulation.
Continuous stimulation stays on while the transmitter button
is pressed, up to a “time out” of about nine seconds. (If the
collar times out, release the button briefly to restore collar
function. Time-out is a very rare occurrence, and most
corrections will be far shorter than the time-out period.)
Momentary Stimulation
The timing of momentary stimulation is pre-set. Momentary
stimulation stays on only very briefly, no matter how long the
button is pressed. To produce a second momentary correction,
press the button again. To produce a series of momentary
corrections, press the button for each correction.
Multi-Dog Models
The Multi•Sport 2 allows you to control two dogs at a time.
The Multi•Sport 3 allows you to control three dogs at a time.
Each color-coded transmitter button – green, orange, or
yellow – corrects the dog who is wearing that color strap.
The intensity level when you correct each dog will be the
one indicated by the intensity dial. Therefore, when training
more than one dog using a Multi•Sport 2 or Multi•Sport 3
transmitter, you should check the intensity dial before
correcting a different dog. By doing this, you can be sure
that the intensity is what you want for that dog's correction.
Page 14
Sport Series