Tri-Tronics Multi Sport 3 User Manual
Page 15

Place the collar strap in the middle of the dog’s neck. The
receiver should be on the underside of his neck. Place the
receiver so the light is facing forward (towards the dog’s nose).
Tighten the buckle by holding it with two fingers as you pull
the strap snug. Do not put any fingers under the strap as you
tighten it. Always slip the free end of the collar strap through
the D-ring.
You can easily adjust the strap
for different sized necks by
sliding the receiver along the
strap. If the collar strap is too
long for your dog, you can cut
off excess strap length. Leave
enough length to go through
the D-ring with about 3 inches
to spare. Note: Do not cut the
collar strap of the Sport 65
BPR until after you have also
installed the Beeper on the strap.
Please note that Remote Trainers are not designed to be
worn continuously by a dog. To prevent irritation caused
by rubbing, remove the collar for at least eight hours out
of every 24 hour period. See the important message about
avoiding skin irritation on page 23.
T R I - T R O N I C S
F i t t i n g t h e C o l l a r o n t h e D o g
Fitting the Collar on the Dog
Page 11
To tighten the collar on the dog,
hold the buckle as shown and
draw the strap snug. Remote
Trainers need to be snug for
consistent stimulation.