Sonex Oops Fittings Installation Instructions User Manual
Sonex aircraft, Installing the oops fittings

sonex aircraft
© 2013 All Rights Reserved.
Installing the Oops Fittings
(Rev A 05/03/2013, 2 Pages)
511 Aviation Road Oshkosh, WI 54902
Tel. (920)-231-8297 Fax. (920)-426-8333
sonex aircraft
Recommended Tools and Materials
Review these instructions to determine specifically what
additional parts you may need to complete your particular
X-Acto and/or utility knife
Step Drill, Approximately 1/8" to 7/8"
Adjustable wrench (2)
Flexible wire (safety wire, electrical wire, etc.)
9/16" Dia. drill bit for installing a 1/8 NPT fitting
1" Dia. drill bit for installing the 3/8 NPT fitting
3/4" diameter washer
The Oops Fitting is a replacement / repair for fuel tank fittings
which have been broken lose in the tank. They are available in
two sizes so any fitting in the tank can be replaced:
1/8 NPT - Part Number SNX-G01-20
3/8 NPT - Part Number SNX-G01-30
Explosive Vapor!
Avoid serious injury or death.
Remove all fuel and explosive
vapor from the fuel tank before
performing this repair.
Removing the Existing Fitting
1. Purge all fuel and fumes from the fuel tank.
2. Use a step drill to drill the damaged fitting from the tank.
If drilling the large 3/8 NPT fitting do not drill larger than
7/8" with the step drill. If drilling a 1/8 NPT fitting do not
drill deeper than the 9/16" step of the drill. Some of the
damaged fitting will still remain in the tank after this step
is complete.
Oops Fitting Components
Internal Fitting
and O-Ring
Nut and External O-Ring
Wrench Flat
3. Remove the remainder of the damaged fitting with a stan-
dard twist drill. Use a 9/16" diameter drill bit to remove
the remainder of a 1/8" NPT fitting. Use a 1" diameter
drill bit to remove the remainder of a 3/8" NPT fitting.
4. Use a sharp knife, fine file, and sandpaper as needed to
smooth the area around the entrance and exit of the hole
so the o-rings of the Oops fitting have a smooth surface to
seal against.
Important: If replacing the 3/8 NPT fitting, remove the
large ridge inside the tank where the old fitting was.
The smoother and flatter this area is the better the seal
will be between the Oops fitting and the tank.
A step drill (left) is used to remove most of the existing fitting
(right). Do not drill deeper than indicated in step 2 or the
hole may be too large for the Oops fitting and a new fuel
tank will be required.