Sonex Wheel and Brake Assembly and Installation Instructions User Manual
Wheel and brake assembly and installation

Sonex Aircraft
LLC. © 2006 All Rights Reserved.
Wheel and Brake Assembly and Installation
Instruction No. SNX-L01-01
Reference Drawing SNX-L01
The Azusa wheels and brakes provide outstanding perfor-
mance at a reasonable cost, We highly recommend following
these simple steps to achieve the best performance.
Preparing the Wheels
1. The wheel halves must mate together without a gap. If a
gap is noted, the likely cause is "fl ash" on the bolt holes.
Remove the fl ash with a fi le and/or sandpaper.
Preparing the Brake Drums
While functional, the stamped Azusa brake drums are typically
out of round. These can be worked by hand for better perfor-
We recommend upgrading to AeroConversions' machined steel
brake drum, part number ACV-W01-10. These steel brake
drums are precision machined and include cooling fi ns which
help prevent brake fade.
Because of variations in the cast wheels, the brake drums do
not always fi t fl ush against the face of the wheels. Placing the
drum on a fl at table and tapping the wheel onto the drum with
a mallet will seat the drum squarely in the wheel.
Above: Flash on the bolt hole will prevent the wheel halves
from seating.
With the fl ash removed (left) the wheel halves will seat tightly
With the fl ash removed (
With the fl ash removed (
against each other.
against each other
against each other
2. Insert all three bolts
through the wheel. The
bolts must pass through
the wheel halves freely.
If interference is noted,
or the bolts cause a
misalignment of the axle
bore, the bolt holes must
be redrilled with a 21/64"
diameter drill bit.
The axle bore must be
smooth. If it is not, the bolt
holes need to be enlarged.
The wheels should be test-assembled once again to check for
interference-free insertion of the bolts. If the bolts do not pass
freely through the wheel/brake drum combination, the bolt
holes in the brake drums can be updrilled with a 23/64" or
letter "T" drill.
The optional machined brake drums can be easily seated in
the wheels with a few gentle strikes with a mallet.