Compaq DS20E User Manual
Page 44

Linux Installation and Configuration Guide for AlphaServer 44
System Resource Manager Configuration
There are several pieces of information that you need to configure in the SRM subsystem, as well
as device identifiers that you should make note of, prior to beginning the installation process. The
steps that follow take you through that process.
Power up your system. After several diagnostics are completed, you will be presented an SRM
prompt "P00>>>", as shown here:
256 Meg of system memory
probing hose 1, PCI
bus 0, slot 9 -- ewa -- DE500-AA Network Controller
probing hose 0, PCI
probing PCI-to-ISA bridge, bus 1
bus 0, slot 5, function 1 -- dqa -- Cypress 82C693 IDE
bus 0, slot 5, function 2 -- dqb -- Cypress 82C693 IDE
bus 0, slot 6, function 0 -- pka -- Adaptec AIC-7895
bus 0, slot 6, function 1 -- pkb -- Adaptec AIC-7895
bus 0, slot 7 -- vga -- ELSA GLoria Synergy
os_type: UNIX - console CIPCA driver not started
System Temperature is 30 degrees C
initializing GCT/FRU at 1ec000
COMPAQ AlphaServer DS20E 500 MHz Console V5.5-21, Oct 18 1999 13:33:24
Determine what devices your system has installed. In particular you will need to note your
installation device (a floppy and/or CD-ROM), and your target disk drive. Entering the command
"show devices" as shown below will print out the information about your system:
P00>>>show device
dka0. DKA0 COMPAQ BA03611C9B 3B05
dka100. DKA100 COMPAQ BB01811C9C 3B05
dka200. DKA200 COMPAQ BB01811C9C 3B05
dqa0. DQA0 CD-224E 9.5B
dva0. DVA0
ewa0. EWA0 00-00-F8-01-F5-DA
pka0. PKA0 SCSI Bus ID 7
pkb0. PKB0 SCSI Bus ID 7
In the output above, the first line shows that DKA0 is a hard disk, DQA0 is a CD-ROM, and
DVA0 is a floppy drive.
Also useful for inspecting the computer configuration is the "show config" command, as shown
P00>>>show config | more
Configure the system SRM parameters to boot from your installation device. The commands for
configuring to boot from the floppy device are shown here:
P00>>>set bootdef_dev dva0
P00>>>set boot_file vmlinux.gz
P00>>>set boot_osflags "root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1"
P00>>>show boot*
boot_dev dva0.
boot_file vmlinux.gz
boot_osflags root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1
boot_reset OFF
bootdef_dev dva0.
Insert the boot floppy into the drive.