Error m essages, Ram test group, Error messages -12 – Dell Latitude LM User Manual

Page 68: Ram test group -12, Rror messages, Am test group

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Dell Latitude LM Reference and Troubleshooting Guide


rror Messages

When you run a test group or subtest in the diagnostics,
error messages may result. These particular error mes-
sages are not covered in this guide because the errors that
generate these messages can be resolved only with a
technician’s assistance. Record the messages on a copy of
the Diagnostics Checklist found in Chapter 5, and read
that chapter for instructions on obtaining technical


AM Test Group

The RAM Test Group subtests check all the directly
addressable RAM. You should run the stand-alone RAM
Test program (ramtest.exe) from the MS-DOS prompt if, for
some reason, the diagnostics cannot load into memory.

The RAM Test program has switches so that you can set
both test limits and options for the subtests from the
MS-DOS prompt. The switches listed in Table 4-3 can be
added to the end of the ramtest command line.

The switches can be used in any order, but they must be
separated by a space.

For example, to run the RAM comprehensive subtest
10 times without pausing, stopping at a maximum of
20 errors, and outputting the results to a file named
ramtst.rpt, type the following command line at the MS-DOS
prompt and press <



ramtest -r10 -np -m20 -oframtst.rpt

To view the Help screen that lists all of the ramtest

command-line switches, type the following command at the

MS-DOS prompt and press <




Table 4-3. RAM Test Switches



–r number

Repeats the subtest this number of times. Valid numbers are 1 through 9999. A value of 0
causes the test to run until you press <




>. The default value is 1.

–m number

Stops the test if this number of errors occur. Valid numbers are 1 through 9999. A value of 0
causes the test to accept an unlimited number of errors. The default value is 0.

–s hexadecimal
memory address

Starts the test at this hexadecimal address. Valid hexadecimal values are 0 to the highest mem-
ory address. The default value is 0.

–e hexadecimal
memory address

Stops the test at this hexadecimal address. Valid hexadecimal values are 0 to the highest mem-
ory address. The default is the highest memory address.

–o[f filename,p]

Outputs the test report to a file (f) or a printer (p). If you output to a file, append the filename
after the f parameter. If you do not specify a filename when using the f parameter, the test report
is output to a file named result. If you output to the printer, the test file is output to LPT1.


Runs the quick (q) or comprehensive (c) subtest. The comprehensive subtest is the default


Does not pause when an error occurs or a subtest finishes. Pause is the default value.