Dell PowerEdge VRTX User Manual
Page 13
Using the CLI
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Maintenance Projects\Dell
D E LL CO N F I D E N T IA L – P R E L I M I N A RY 3 / 6 / 13 - F O R PR O O F O N LY
The following example illustrates accessing privileged EXEC mode and then
returning to the User EXEC mode:
Use the exit command to return to a previous mode.
To configure the device, enter the next level, Global Configuration mode.
Global Configuration Mode
Global Configuration mode manages device configuration on a global
level. Global Configuration commands apply to system features, rather than a
specific protocol or interface.
To access Global Configuration mode, at the Privileged EXEC Mode prompt,
type configure and press <Enter>. The Global Configuration mode displays
as the device host name followed by (config) and the pound sign #:
To list the Global Configuration commands, enter a question mark at the
command prompt.
The following example illustrates how to access Global Configuration mode
and return back to the Privileged EXEC mode:
Interface Configuration Mode
The Interface Configuration mode configures the device at the physical
interface level (port, VLAN, or LAG). Interface commands that require
subcommands have another level, called the Subinterface Configuration
mode. A password is not required to access this level.
Enter Password: ******
console# disable
console# configure
console# configure
console(config)# exit