Clearing logins, Displaying fcoe configuration-related information – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

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Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide



Managing and displaying the FCoE login configuration


To configure FIP multicast advertisement intervals, perform the following task.

Clearing logins

To clear logins, perform the following task.

Displaying FCoE configuration-related information

To display FCoE-related configuration information, perform the following tasks.

Managing and displaying the FCoE login configuration

Another important task in administrating FCoE is configuring the FCoE login information.

Enabling or disabling FCoE login
configuration management

The fcoelogincfg command allows only configured ENode VN_ports to log in. Use the
fcoelogingroup command to configure allowed ENode VN_ports. The default is disabled.

Disabling the fcoelogincfg command allows unrestricted login on ENode VN_ports.



Configure FIP multicast advertisement intervals.
Syntax is as follows:

intvl—Specifies the interval in seconds. The
minimum interval value is 0 seconds and
the maximum value is 300 seconds. A value
of 0 cancels the previous advertisement
interval value.

switch:admin> fcoe --fipcfg -advintvl intvl



Clear the logins that occurred through a front-end
port or from a device specified by the Enode's
VN_port WWN. Syntax is as follows:

-teport slot/port—Specifies the slot or port

-device wwn—Specifies the device WWN.

switch:admin> fcoe --resetlogin -teport slot/port |
-device wwn



Display the embedded FCoE port configuration.
Configurations of all the ports are displayed if you
do not specify a specific port.

switch:admin> fcoe --cfgshow [port]

Display information about devices logged into a
specific FCoE F_port.

switch:admin> fcoe --loginshow [port]

Display FIP configurations.

switch:admin> fcoe --fipcfgshow