Dell UPS 5600R User Manual
Page 50

Configuring the Card
IPv6 Enabled: When selected, Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) features are enabled.
IPv6 is described in the Internet standard RFC 2460.
IPv6 Auto Config Enabled: Select this option to have the following IPv6 parameters automatically
generated by the card or the IPv6 DHCP server (if an IPv6 DHCP server is available on the
Local IPv6 address
Prefix length
The IPv6 Gateway becomes unavailable and remains blank.
IPv6 Address 1: If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is selected, the first IPv6 address displays.
If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is not selected, the IPv6 address of the card can be entered in the
following format:
[::1:0:0 ; 1FFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF] for a range of prefix [4–128]
[2000:: ; FEFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF] for a prefix of 64
Prefix length: The addressing prefix used to route external traffic for a network.
If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is selected, the IPv6 network prefix displays.
If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is not selected, the IPv6 network prefix can be entered in the
following format:
[4-128] for an IP address 1:
64 for an IP address 1:
IPv6 Gateway: If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is selected, the IPv6 the field is blank and not
If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is not selected, the name of the IPv6 Gateway can be entered.
IPv6 Local Address: The IPv6 local address displays (the local address is generated from the card's
MAC address).
IPv6 Address 2: If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is selected, the second IPv6 address is provided by
the DHCP server (for example: 1876:720:410:100A:1111:2222:33:4444) and cannot be changed.
If IPv6 Auto Config Enabled is not selected, the field is blank and not available.
BootP/DHCP: Authorizes (choose Enabled) configuration of network parameters with the
BOOTP/DHCP server when the card is booted.
Mode of card operation with server: After each startup, the card makes five attempts to recover
the network parameters. If it receives no response from the server, the card boots with the last
saved parameters from the most recent start. These parameters are shown on the page. The default
value for this parameter is Enabled.