Dell Inspiron 5000e User Manual

Page 11

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Dell Inspiron 5000 Port Replicator User’s Guide



Insert the

Inspiron 5000 Advanced Port Replicator CD into the CD-ROM or

DVD-ROM drive.


When asked for the location of the driver, deselect Floppy disk drives.


Click Specify a location:.

10. Type

[?ZBQLF (where x: represents the drive letter of your CD-ROM or

DVD-ROM drive), and then click Next.

11. At the What do you want to install? dialog box, click The updated driver (Rec-

ommended) - Actiontec 82559-based Mini PCI Adapter (10/100), and then
click Next.

12. When Windows displays the message that it is ready to install the driver from

x:\w98_nic\net82557.inf (where x: represents the drive letter of your CD-ROM or
DVD-ROM drive), click Next.

13. Click Finish when Windows displays a message that the driver is installed.

14. Click Yes to restart the computer.

15. After the computer restarts, Windows modifies settings, creates a Dock 1 con-

figuration, and then displays a


16. Click OK.

17. If the

8SGDWHGGLVSOD\VHWWLQJV message appears, click OK.

18. If necessary, consult your network administrator for the steps to configure the

network adapter settings.