Dell XPS 10 Tablet User Manual

Page 18

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Finger gestures

Allows you to:

Touch and Hold

• Display detailed information about an

Touch and hold your finger on


the display.

• Open the context menu of an item to

perform further actions.



Touch and hold your finger on
an item on the screen.


Keeping your finger in contact
with the display, move your
fingertip to the desired location.


Take your finger off the
display to drop the item in the
desired location.

• Move items such as images and icons

on the screen.

Swipe or Slide

• Scroll through the Start screen, web

Move your finger in a vertical or

pages, lists, entries, photos, contacts,

horizontal direction on the display.

and so on.

• Close an app. (Swipe the app to the

bottom of the display.)

Using Your XPS 10 Tablet