Dell PowerVault DL2200 CommVault User Manual
Page 5
CaPItal aND oPeratIoNal CoSt SaVINGS wItH DeDuPlICatIoN
Easy-to-Quantify Capital Cost Savings
Although the acquisition cost of disk is still higher than tape, low-cost, high density
SATA drives have reduced the price difference significantly. Because the
PowerVault DL2100 combines deduplication with backup-to-disk, it is significantly
less expensive than standard backup-to-disk solutions on a capacity basis and in
many cases below the acquisition costs of tape. The value that CommVault’s
deduplication brings to the DL2100 is easy to quantify. If one can reduce the
amount of capacity to store backup data by 10:1, 15:1 or greater, it is easy to
place a dollar amount to the cost savings. A standard disk-to-disk backup solution
will require more actual capacity to store backups—in some cases, 10 or more
times what the data deduplication-enabled solution needs. It is also important to
consider facility costs, which include power and cooling as well as floor space.
Because fewer disks are required, less heat is emitted and less power is necessary.
At a 10:1 capacity reduction ratio, for example, this can be a significant savings.
Additionally, floor space is at a premium. The PV DL2100 reduces physical disk
growth and minimizes the amount of shelf space needed to store backup data.
Faster, More Reliable Restores from Disk save IT Time and Increase Employee
With a greater number of backups stored on disk, IT can drastically reduce, even eliminate, the
need to recover data from tape again.
Typically, data recovery is an urgent issue. It could take hours or days to recover data fully
from tape. The cost impacts of not being able to rapidly and reliably recover data range from
inconvenience to complete data loss. For example, an employee may have to wait a few hours,
even a few days, for IT to recover a lost file they were working on. If that file is unrecoverable,
the expense goes up. In addition, if that file contained valuable intellectual property, it will be
extremely difficult to recreate and could have a major impact on the organization. These are
the considerations that must be weighed against using outdated and archaic forms of data
The PV DL2100 provides easier management than other backup-to-disk solutions because
traditional disk-to-disk backup solutions will require more capacity and the need to rely on
tape more often. Deduplication increases the amount of backup data that you can retain on
disk in preparation for a recovery request. Because most restore requests come from data
that is 1-30 days old, IT can use the PowerVault DL2100 powered by CommVault to drastically
reduce the need of restoring from tape - and the risks and inefficiencies that come with it. Tape
management issues, inability to locate tapes and mechanical problems with tape libraries can
be virtually eliminated with deduplication. Backup-to-disk with deduplication offers value that is
easy to quantify from not only a storage acquisition cost but also from day-to-day operational