Backup-to-disk and recovery with deduplication – Dell PowerVault DL2200 CommVault User Manual

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CoNtrol ProDuCtIoN StoraGe CoStS by moVING INFreQueNtly aCCeSSeD
FIleS to tHe Dl2100

CommVault Simpana offers a singular platform that delivers complete information management
from one product and interface. As a result, customers can easily add CommVault Simpana
Archive to their DL2100 investment to seamlessly add archiving policies to control the size and
growth of the production environment.

CommVault Simpana Archive enables storage administrators to set policies that will ensure that
expensive, primary storage only contains frequently accessed production files that are actively
in use by the organization. Old, infrequently accessed files (e.g. files that have gone unchanged
and have not been accessed for over 30 days) can be automatically moved to the DL2100 and
stored alongside backup copies in a deduplicated state. Because intelligent data stubs are used
to replace each archived file, end-users continue to access their data just as before.

This manual is related to the following products: