Dell PowerVault 114x User Manual
Page 7

Table 1 – Special Characters to Avoid
In general a limitation exists in most files system which restricts a file name of no more
than 255 characters including spaces and file extensions. This also applies to LTFS.
The invention of LTFS has made the usage of tape drives as convenient as disk an
drives. The ability to copy data to and from media in an open specification without
expensive proprietary software moves tape into an information exchange market that
previously unrealized.
The key to effective usage of LTFS is to keep in mind the minor limitations of the linear
device. Tape drives stream data to and from the medium at data rates that far exceed the
data rates of disk of comparable size and cost.
As an archive format, LTFS allows for the easiest data retrieval and no proprietary
software is required to retrieve the data from tape. Any future operating system
developed can systematically integrate LTFS support by allowing the drive interface to
read the
XML format on tape
and display the file system for retrieval.
Customers desiring the flexibility of a flash drive, with the security and low cost of data
storage of tape will find LTFS the most flexible of all solutions.
Windows, Word, Excel are copyr
ight applications of the Microsoft