Canon VK-64 User Manual

Page 122

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Setting Motion Detection Recording

Set the Sensitivity

Sensitivity is the degree of change detected as motion.

Select Low-Med or Med-High. The
available sensitivity settings range
from 1 to 256.

You can specify 1 through 128 as
Sensitivity by clicking Low-Med and
129 through 256 by clicking Med-High.

Drag the slide bar to adjust Sensitivity to the desired value (depending on the
range setting).

Set the Area Ratio

Area Ratio is the degree of change of area (ratio against the defined detection area)
detected as motion.

Click and drag the Area Ratio slide bar to
any position from 0% to 100%. This
establishes the proportion of image inside the
Active Region (dotted frame) allowed before
motion is detected.

When you drag the slide bar, the black vertical line in the Detection
Indicator will move to reflect the change in specified Area Ratio.



Area Ratio marker.

The Motion Detection settings are affected by the video quality
setting of the Camera Server. After configuring the Motion
Detection settings, do not change the video quality on the
Camera Server.
