Installation requirements – Century Jefferson User Manual

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Jefferson Direct Vent/Natural Vent Gas Heater


Installation Requirements

The installation must conform with local codes or, in
the absence of local codes, with the National Fuel Gas
Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 - latest edition. (EXCEP-
TION: Do not derate this appliance for altitude. Main-
tain the manifold pressure at 3.5” w.c. for Natural Gas,
and 10” w.c. for Propane).

In Canada, installation must be in accordance with the
current CSA B-149.1 Installation Codes and/or local

The installation should be done by a qualified
service person, preferably NFI or WETT (Canada)
certified who is familiar with the building codes and
installation techniques appropriate for your area to
accomplish a safe and effective installation.

Your dealer or your local gas supplier will be able to
refer a qualified service person.

WARNING: Due to high temperatures, the

HEATER should be located out of traffic and

away from furniture and draperies.

The surface of the Heater Is hot when it is in use.

Young children should be watched carefully when

they are in the same room when the Heater is in

use, and they should be taught to avoid the hot

surface. Keep any objects that can burn well away

from the Heater, and observe the recommended

clearances that follow.


A. Flat on corner wall
B. Room Divider
C. Island

D. Cross Corner
E. Flat on wall

Fig. 2 Possible stove locations.

Direct Vent System Only








Stove locations

9/28/00 djt

Clearance Requirements

Minimum Clearances to Combustible Materials

Measure side clearances as shown in Figures 3 and 4
from the outer edge of the cast iron stove top. Measure
rear clearances from the outermost surface of the steel
rear skirt.
The Jefferson heater is approved for installation into
an alcove constructed of combustible materials to the
dimensions and clearances shown on the next page.
The same clearances apply in a standard parallel instal-


• Always maintain required clearances

(air spaces) to nearby combustibles

to prevent fire hazard. Do not fill air

spaces with insulation. All venting components

must maintain a 1” (25 mm) clearance to com-

bustible materials. Maintain a 6” (150 mm) clear-

ance when using single wall pipe.

• The gas appliance and vent system must be

vented directly to the outside of the building

and never be attached to a chimney serving a

separate solid fuel or gas-burning appliance.

• Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions includ-

ed with the venting system for complete instal-

lation procedures.








Locating The Stove

In choosing a location for the stove, consider:

The location of outside walls;

Where additional heat is needed:

Where family members gather most often;

The vent system requirements.

NOTE: We do not recommend the use of wallpaper
next to this stove. Over time, radiant heat may cause
the wallpaper to shrink, or may adversely affect the
binders in the wallpaper adhesive.