Casio Geometry User Manual

Page 37

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Controlling the Appearance of the Geometry Window

3. Move the pointer in the direction of the opposite edges of the zoom box area.

• As you do, the calculator will display a selection boundary that will expand as you move

the pointer.

4. After selecting the zoom box area you want, press


• The area within the zoom box area expands to fi ll the entire screen.

u To zoom in and out

To double the size of the displayed image, press + or perform the following operation:

1e(View) – 4:Zoom In.
To halve the size of the displayed image, press - or perform the following operation:

1e(View) – 5:Zoom Out.

u To zoom the screen image to fi t the window area


- or perform the following operation: 1e(View) – 6:Zoom to Fit.

• This will enlarge or reduce the currently display image so it fi lls the screen.

