Casio Geometry User Manual
Page 21

Drawing and Editing Objects
You can perform a perpendicular construct operation while a single line segment and single
point, a single line and single point, a single ray and a single point, a single vector and a
single point, or one side of a polygon and a single point are selected on the screen.
u To construct a midpoint
1. Draw a line segment and select it.
2. Perform the following operation:
4(Construct) – 3:Midpoint.
• This will plot the midpoint of the line segment you selected.
You can perform a midpoint construct operation while a single line segment, one side of a
polygon, or two points are selected on the screen.
u To construct the point of intersection of two lines
1. Draw to intersecting line segments and select them.
2. Perform the following operation:
4(Construct) – 4:Intersection.
• This plots the point where the two line segments intersect.
You can construct the point of intersection of two lines while two of any of the following
objects (two of the same object or two different objects) are selected on the screen: line
segment, line, rays, vector, side of a polygon, circle, or arc.