Avoid potential hearing loss – Casio G'zOne Rock User Manual
Page 187

characters, adjust the volume as needed to minimize the error rate.
For optimal performance, your phone should be at least 12 inches (30
centimeters) from the TTY device. Placing the phone too close to the
TTY device may cause high error rates.
Avoid potential hearing loss.
Prolonged exposure to loud sounds (including music) is the most
common cause of preventable hearing loss. Some scientific research
suggests that using portable audio devices, such as portable music
players and cellular telephones, at high volume settings for long
durations may lead to permanent noise-induced hearing loss. This
includes the use of headphones (including headsets, earbuds and
Bluetooth or other wireless devices). Exposure to very loud sound
has also been associated in some studies with tinnitus (a ringing in
the ear), hypersensitivity to sound and distorted hearing. Individual
susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss and other potential
hearing problems varies.
The amount of sound produced by a portable audio device varies
depending on the nature of the sound, the device, the device settings
and the headphones. You should follow some common sense
recommendations when using any portable audio device:
Set the volume in a quiet environment and select the lowest volume
at which you can hear adequately.
When using headphones, turn the volume down if you cannot hear
the people speaking near you or if the person sitting next to you can
hear what you are listening to.
Do not turn the volume up to block out noisy surroundings. If you
choose to listen to your portable device in a noisy environment,
use noise-cancelling headphones to block out background
environmental noise.