Automatic door locks – NISSAN 2010 Maxima - Quick Reference Guide User Manual

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acceSSORY MOde

Press the START/STOP button once without depressing the brake pedal to access the

acc mode. This position activates electrical accessories such as the radio.

Press the START/STOP button a second time to On without depressing the brake pedal.

This position turns on the ignition switch and all electrical accessories.

niSSan inTeLLiGenT keY™ BaTTeRY diScHaRGe


f the battery of the intelligent key is almost discharged,

the guide light on the intelligent key port blinks and the

intelligent key insertion indicator is displayed in the

vehicle information display.

To start the engine under these circumstances, insert

the intelligent key into the key port in the direction

indicated until it latches into place.

To remove the intelligent key from the port, push the

ignition switch to turn the engine off and pull the intelligent key out of the port.

The intelligent key port does not charge the intelligent key battery. if you see the low

battery indicator, replace the battery in the intelligent key.

OPeninG THe TRunk

To open the trunk using the request switch, your intelligent

key must be with you.

Push the Request/Release switch


under the trunk handle.

Lift up on the trunk lid to open.


all doors lock automatically when the vehicle speed reaches 15 MPH (24 km/h).

all doors unlock automatically when the ignition is placed in the Off position.

The automatic lock and unlock functions can be deactivated or activated independently
of each other.
To deactivate or activate the automatic door lock or unlock system, perform the
following procedure:

1. close all doors.

2. Place the ignition in the On position.

3. do one of the following within 20 seconds of performing Step #2:

• To change AUTO UNLOCK settings: push and hold the power door lock switch to
the position (unLOck) for more than 5 seconds.
• To change auTO LOck settings: push and hold the power door lock switch to
the position (LOck) for more than 5 seconds.
4. When activated, the hazard indicator will flash twice. When deactivated, the hazard indicator
will flash once.

5. The ignition switch must be placed in the Off and On position again between each
setting change.