Create a fixed temperature program (fixed temp) – Dako Hybridizer User Manual
Page 19

Dako Hybridizer
Create a Fixed Temperature Program (Fixed Temp)
Use the arrows keys to move cursor to “Create a PGM” line and press “Enter” button to accept.
With arrow keys move cursor to “Fixed Temp” line and press “Enter” button to accept.
Hybridizer will advance to the next available program number.
Hybridizer allows creating a program name. Cursor highlights the first name character position. Use the
arrow keys to move through character set and press “Enter” button to accept the characters. All 10
character positions must be filled. Press “Enter” button to accept blank characters. For numeric
characters, use keypad 0-9.
Character set: A-Z; 0-9; period, - and blank (“Enter” button or move arrow).
Cursor advances to “Fixed Temp”. With numeric keypad enter a two-digit temperature value in degrees
Celsius (30-99
°C). The instrument allows a temperature of 30°C or ambient temp + 5°C (whichever is
higher) for the lowest fixed temperature. For room temperature fixed (ambient temp + 5
°C) enter the two-
digit value 00.
Display will now show entered program values. Cursor highlights “Enter to Accept” line.
Press “Enter” button to accept the program values; or press “Backspace” button to return to previous
screen to modify program values; or press “Stop” button to abort.
Note: Accepting the program saves the program by its assigned program number and name.
PGM 03 Name
Enter: Temp
Fixed: 30°C
PGM 03 Appl
Fixed: 65°C
ENTER to Accept
STOP to Abort