Cooper Instruments & Systems M5-1000 High Capacity Digital Force Gage User Manual
Page 16

Click “Finish”. The USB device is now installed and ready to use. The COM port number assigned by Windows
may be identified in Device Manager, or in the communication application being used, such as MESURgauge or
9.2 Serial / USB
To set up RS-232 and USB communication, select Serial/USB Settings from the menu. The screen appears as
Select either RS-232 or USB input (output is always simultaneous through both the USB and RS-232 ports).
RS-232 must be selected when communicating through a Mark-10 test stand controller. When communicating
from the gauge directly to a PC or data collector, either RS-232 or USB can be selected as required. Configure
the baud rate and data format as required for the application. Default values are as follows:
Baud Rate: 9,600
Data Format: Numeric + units
Auto Output: Disabled
Other communication settings are permanently set to the following:
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: None
Individual data points may be transmitted by pressing DATA or by requesting the appropriate ASCII command
from an external device (see Command Set sub-section for details).
9.3 Automatic Output
The gauge has the ability to output data continuously via RS-232 or USB. To enable automatic output, select
Auto Output from the Serial/USB Settings sub-menu. The screen appears as follows: