Cooper Instruments & Systems M5-1000 High Capacity Digital Force Gage User Manual
Page 11

Note: As long as external trigger has been enabled, it is still active even if the gauge is in Real Time mode.
After the display freezes, any programmed set points will be active. However, if the gauge is in External Trigger
mode, any programmed set points will be inactive.
Digital filters are provided to help smooth out the readings in situations where there is mechanical interference in
the work area or test sample. These filters utilize the moving average technique in which consecutive readings
are pushed through a buffer and the displayed reading is the average of the buffer contents. By varying the
length of the buffer, a variable smoothing effect can be achieved. The selection of 1 will disable the filter since
the average of a single value is the value itself.
To access digital filter settings, select Filters from the menu. The display will appear as follows:
Two filters are available:
Current Reading – Applies to the peak capture rate of the instrument.
Displayed Reading – Applies to the primary reading on the display.
Available settings: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024. It is recommended to keep the current reading filter at its
lowest value for best performance, and the displayed reading filter at its highest value for best stability.
7.1 General Information
Set points are useful for tolerance checking (pass/fail),
triggering an external device such as a motorized test
stand, or alarm indication in process control applications.
Two limits, high and low, are specified and stored in the
non-volatile memory of the instrument and the primary
reading is compared to these limits. The results of the
comparisons are indicated through the three outputs
provided on the 15-pin connector, thus providing “under”,
“in range”, and “over” signaling. These outputs can be
connected to indicators, buzzers, or relays as required for
the application.
7.2 Configuration
To configure set points, select Set Points from the menu. The screen will appear as follows:
Either one, two, or none of the set points may be enabled. To toggle between the tension and compression
directions, press the DIRECTION key.