Bio-Rad Biofuel Enzyme Kit User Manual
Quick guide

Quick Guide
Activity 1: Determine the Reaction
Rate in the Presence or Absence
of an Enzyme
Find your 15 ml conical tubes labeled
“Stop Solution”, “1.5 mM Substrate”,
“Enzyme” and “Buffer”. Write your initials
on each tube.
2. Label five cuvettes E1–E5.
3. Label the two remaining cuvettes “Start”
and “End”.
4. Using a clean DPTP, pipet 500 µl of stop
solution into each labeled cuvette. Rinse
the DPTP well with water.
5. Label one empty 15 ml conical tube
“Enzyme Reaction” and the other
6. Using a clean DPTP, pipet 2 ml of 1.5 mM
substrate into the 15 ml conical tube
labeled “Enzyme Reaction”. Use the
same DPTP and pipet 1 ml of 1.5 mM
substrate into the conical tube labeled
“Control”. Rinse the DPTP well with
7. Label one DPTP “E” for enzyme and the
other “C” for control. Only use the DPTP
labeled “E” for the enzyme reaction tube
and the DPTP labeled “C” for the control
reaction tube.
Quick Guide
Label up here
Stop Solution
1.5 mM Substrate
Enzyme reaction
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