Quick guide – Bio-Rad PV92 PCR Informatics Kit User Manual
Page 4

Quick Guide
Lesson 2 PCR Amplification
Obtain the tube with your DNA template from
the refrigerator. Spin the screwcap tube for 2
minutes at 6,000 x g (5 minutes at 2,000 x g) in
a centrifuge.
Label a PCR tube and a capless micro test
tube with your initials, place the PCR tube in
the capless tube as shown, and place both in
the foam holder.
Transfer 20 µl of the DNA template (the
supernatant) from the screwcap tube into the
bottom of the PCR tube. Be very careful not to
transfer any of the matrix beads into the PCR
Locate the tube of yellow master mix on ice
and transfer 20 µl of the master mix into the
PCR tube. Mix by pipetting up and down 2–3
times. Cap the PCR tube tightly. The mixture
should be yellow.
Place the PCR tube into the thermal cycler.
Control reactions prepared by the instructor
should also be placed into the PCR machine
at this point. The reactions will undergo
40 cycles of PCR amplification.
PCR tube
DNA template
Master mix
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