Bio-Rad Affi-Gel 15 Gel User Manual

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Closed container which holds at least four times the
volume of gel.


(Optional) rotating shaker.


(Optional) Buchner funnel.

Shake the vial, and make sure that you have a uniform

suspension. Transfer the desired quantity of slurry to a
Buchner funnel or glass fritted funnel. Drain the super-
natant solvent, and wash the gel with three bed volumes of
cold 10 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.5, or cold (4 °C) deion-
ized water. The wash can be facilitated, particularly when
working with larger amounts of gel, by applying a vacu-
um. Care should be taken, however, not to allow the gel
bed to go dry. For optimum coupling of ligands, the wash-
ing procedure should be completed and the gel combined
with the ligand solution within 20 minutes.

Transfer the moist gel cake to a test tube or flask and

add the cold ligand solution. Add at least 0.5 ml of ligand


Section 4
Recommended Storage Conditions

If Affi-Gel 10 gel is stored at -20 °C it retains at least

80% of original activity for at least 1 year. Storing at
-70 °C will extend the shelf life further.

Section 5
General Instructions

5.1 Aqueous Coupling

Material and equipment required for coupling ligands to

Affi-Gel 10 and Affi-Gel 15 gel under aqueous conditions.


Cold distilled water.


Coupling buffer of your choice without primary
amines or sulfhydryl groups; 10-100 mM HEPES,
MOPS, POPSO, acetate, or bicarbonate for proteins.


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