Bio-Rad Bio-Scale™ MT High-Resolution Empty Columns User Manual
Page 8

4 Bio-Scale MT Column Instruction Manual
2.1 Column Disassembly (part given are in parenthesis)
1. Unscrew and remove the upper (1) and lower (11) end fittings.
2. Unscrew the bottom end cap (10) from the protective shield
3. Withdraw the borosilicate glass column assembly (8) from the
protective shield.
4. Remove the upper (5) and lower (9) bed supports.
5. If the column is packed, remove the upper and lower
distribution screens (7) and frits (6) using the frit removal tool.
Do not reuse these parts. Rinse the packing material away
with deionized water.
6. Wash all column parts with deionized water to remove dust
and particulates.
2.2 Column Assembly
1. Insert a frit (7) and then a distribution screen (6) into the bottom
of the glass tube (8) (note the orientation of the flow direction
2. Wet the o-ring of the lower bed support (9) with water and
insert it fully into the bottom of the glass tube.
3. Insure that the frit and distribution screen are touching the
lower bed support.
4. Pack the column with the media of choice until a stable bed is
obtained (see Section 2.3).
5. Insert a frit and then a distribution screen into the glass tube,
followed by the upper bed support (5). Be careful not to force
the frit into the top of the bed.
6. Thread the lock nut (2) into the upper end cap (3). Thread the
protective shield (4) onto the upper end cap.
7. Holding the upper end cap assembly upside down, insert the
glass tube and gently rotate it until the upper bed support
locks in place.
8. Attach the lower end cap to the protective shield.