Bio-Rad Profinia Protein Purification System Kits User Manual
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Section 7
Shutdown, Cleaning, Storage Sequence,
and Data Export
After the run is completed, the instrument will instruct the user to begin
the proper cleaning and storage sequence. To maintain the instrument
in proper working order and to prevent mechanical breakdown,
always follow the short- or long-term storage commands. Short-term
storage is used when the instrument will be run within 2 days, and
long-term storage is appropriate when the instrument will be used in 2 or
more days.
Prepare System to Clean Lines
Remove sample tubes, install tubes filled with water, and install the
cleaning tray. Press Start to begin the cleaning process. Refer to
Figure 16 for the screen associated with this command
Fig. 16. Preparing the system for cleaning.
Export Data
Once the sample and fraction lines are cleaned, the data can be
exported through a USB drive. Install a USB drive into the USB port
located on the front of the instrument, and press Export Data
The exported data can be viewed on any PC using the Profinia
software package
Short-Term/Long-Term Wash
Choose Short-Term Wash to store for <2 days. Choose Long-Term
Wash to store for >2 days
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