Information and support – Bio-Rad Gel Doc™ XR+ System User Manual
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Information and Support
Instruction Manuals
Refer to the instrument and software instruction
manuals to further familiarize yourself with the setup
and use of your instrument and software. If your original
hardware manual and Quantity One software CD
cannot be located, you can download this information
Quantity One Software Help Guide
The software help guide will further assist you in the
use of Quantity One software. You can easily browse
the contents or search the index for help on your
favorite applications.
Application-Based Help
Each application in Quantity One
software is accompanied by
comprehensive built-in help. By simply
clicking on the “?” next to the application in question,
you will have access to a thorough explanation that
will also link to related information.
Technical Support Contact Information
Online Support
More than 1,800 frequently asked questions (FAQs)
are accessed by logging on at
By registering, you can ask questions and get an
e-mail reply.
E-mail Support
Bio-Rad technical support representatives are available
to respond via e-mail to any queries that have not been
answered by the other support options listed here.
The e-mail address is [email protected]
Phone Support
Bio-Rad technical support representatives are available
to answer questions by phone. In the U.S., call toll free
at 1-800-4BIORAD (1-800-424-6723) between 7 AM
and 4 PM Pacific time. Outside the US, contact your
local Bio-Rad representative.
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Volumetric analysis quick guide with
help access.
Quantity One help can be accessed via quick links and
software quick guides.