Bio-Rad Model 785 Vacuum Blotter User Manual
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Section 1
General Information
1.1 Safety/Definition of Symbols
This instrument is intended for laboratory use only.
This product conforms to the “Class A” standards for electromagnetic emissions intended for
laboratory equipment applications. It is possible that emissions form this product may interfere
with some sensitive appliances when placed nearby or in the some circuit as those applicances.
The user should be aware of this potential and take appropriate measures to avoid interference.
1.2 Introduction to the Model 785 Vacuum Blotter
The Model 785 Vacuum Blotter is a nucleic acid transfer apparatus which rapidly transfers
DNA or RNA from agarose gels onto nylon membranes by using low vacuum. The Model 785
Vacuum Blotter simplifies every step of the blotting process. In addition, the Model 785 Vacuum
Blotter is constructed for long term heavy use. The following protocols have been thoroughly
tested and have the continuing technical support of Bio-Rad Laboratories.
1.3 List of Parts
Each Model 785 Vacuum Blotter unit comes with the items listed below. Check to make sure
that all components are present. Also note any damage to the instrument that may have occurred
during shipping. Inform Bio-Rad Laboratories if any items are missing or damaged.
Base Unit
Vacuum Stage
Porous Vacuum Plate
Window Gasket
– precut 15 x 15 cm
– precut 15 x 20 cm
– blank
Sealing Frame
Offered Accessories
Vacuum Regulator
Vacuum Station
1.4 General Description
The Vacuum Blotter has several innovative features which simplify the nucleic acid blotting
process and facilitate complete transfer. The Model 785 Vacuum Blotter features include:
Easy-to-use spring latches which make assembly and disassembly quick. No screws or
nuts to tighten.
Vacuum Stage and Porous Vacuum Plate create an even vacuum pressure throughout the
transfer area, providing even transfers and highly reproducible results.
Large Vacuum Stage format permits large or small gel transfer using the blank Window