Bio-Rad GelAir Drying System User Manual

Page 8

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4. Place as many gels on the cellophane as desired. Using a wash bottle, add water to the sur-

face of the cellophane directly around the edges of the gels. Be sure to fill in the wells of
the gels with water. Use plenty of water. It provides a means for removing air bubbles
when applying the top layer of cellophane.

Fig. 5. Adding the top layer of cellophane.

5. Wet a second sheet of cellophane with water. Carefully lay this sheet on top of the gels.

Use both hands to hold one end of the cellophane while draping the other end over one
edge of the plastic frame. Slowly lower the cellophane to cover the gels and the rest of the
frame (Figure. 5). If air bubbles are trapped next to one or more of the gels, raise the cel-
lophane to expose the bubbles and then lower it again. If this does not work, add more
water and try again. It is important to remove the air bubbles trapped between the two
sheets of cellophane.
If they migrate next to the gel, they can cause gel cracking.

Fig. 6. Removing air bubbles from between the sheets of cellophane.