1 autoclaving, 2 chemical stability, Table 1. chemical compatibility – Bio-Rad Bio-Dot® and Bio-Dot SF Microfiltration Apparatus User Manual

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Section 2
Special Handling and Features

The Bio-Dot apparatus withstands autoclave temperatures for sterilization, as well as cleaning
with alcohols, acids, and base solutions.

2.1 Autoclaving

The Tygon tubing and flow valve cannot be autoclaved. All other components of the apparatus
withstand the autoclave treatment. After repeated autoclaving (~25 cycles) the silicone rubber
gasket may need replacing. The autoclave conditions that should be used are a maximum
sterilization temperature of 250°F (121°C) for 15 minutes, followed by a 1 minute fast exhaust.
Higher temperatures or increased exposure times will significantly reduce the life of the
apparatus. Do not autoclave the unit with the thumbscrews tightened, as this may cause the unit
to warp during exposure to the elevated temperatures.

2.2 Chemical Stability

The apparatus is stable in both acid and base solutions. It is stable in all concentrations of
alcohol solutions. Both of these features allow rapid cleanup and sterilization of the apparatus
and gaskets. The unit is not compatible with polar, aromatic, or chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters,
and ketones. These solvents will cause degradation of the plastic. See Table 1 for list of chemical
stability. For color development in the apparatus, the unit is compatible with both the methanol
used in the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) color development systems and the low concentration
of DMF used to solubilize the alkaline phosphatase (AP) color development reagents. However,
high concentrations of DMF will attack the plastic. Also, the unit is completely compatible with the
low concentrations of diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) used as an alternative to autoclaving for
elimination of RNase activity.

Table 1. Chemical Compatibility

Chemicals compatible with Bio-Dot SF apparatus

Hydrochloric acid


Sulfuric acid


Phosphoric acid


Glacial acetic acid


Sodium hydroxide


Potassium hydroxide

Hydrogen peroxide

Ammonium hydroxide

Ethylene glycol


5% acetone in H



Nitric acid

Chemicals that will attack polysulfone

Ethyl acetate


Butyl acetate



Methyl ethyl ketone


Methylene chloride

Trichloroacetic acid