Great Plains YP2425A Material Rate User Manual
Page 2

Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights Reserved
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has
been taken in the preparation of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability
assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and im-
prove its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the
Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include: Singulator Plus, Swath Command, Terra-Tine.
Registered Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include:
Air-Pro, Clear-Shot, Discovator, Great Plains, Land Pride, MeterCone, Nutri-Pro, Seed-Lok, Solid Stand,
Terra-Guard, Turbo-Chisel, Turbo-Chopper, Turbo Max, Turbo-Till, Ultra-Till, Verti-Till, Whirlfilter, Yield-Pro.
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Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents
Document Family ........................................................... 1
Kernels Per Pound...........................................................2
Spacing (U.S. Customary units, page 1 of 2) .........3
Meter Disk Selection ........................................5
Meter Pressurization ......................................................8
Initial Meter Pressurization: Round Corn........................ 8
Initial Meter Pressurization: Flat Corn ............................ 9
Factory Default Air Control Channel Screens ................ 9
Checking Planting Rate................................................10
Checking Singulated Rates .......................................... 10
Planting Rate ..............................................................12
Hydraulic Drive Meter Rate ..........................................12
Meter RPM Limit Charts ...............................................13
Meter RPM Limits: Corn 24 Cell................................... 13
Meter RPM Limits: Corn 40 Cell................................... 14
Meter RPM Limits: Cotton 60 Cell ................................ 15
Meter RPM Limits: Milo 65 Cell .................................... 16
Meter RPM Limits: Milo 130 Cell .................................. 17
Meter RPM Limits: Soybeans 84 Cell........................... 18
Meter RPM Limits: Soybeans 168 Cell......................... 19
Meter RPM Limits: Sunflower 24 Cell........................... 20
Sprocket Indexing (Stagger) .....................................22
Indexing Preparation ....................................................23
Basic Indexing ..............................................................23
Indexing Fine Adjustment.............................................25
Sprocket Indexing Charts .............................................26
30 inch Twin Row Sprocket Indexing ........................... 27
Related Documents ..................................................... 28
Clean-Out Meters......................................................... 28
Grain Shield ................................................................. 29
Install Discs / Set Shutters ........................................... 29
Take Note of Meter Pressure ....................................... 30
Initial Meter Pressurization: Wheat ............................... 30
Calibrate....................................................................... 30
Furrow Checking Rate ................................................. 31
Hydraulic Drive............................................. 32
Set Up A Material.......................................................... 33
Calibrate Speed Sensor................................................ 37
Meter RPM Limits: Volumetric ...................................... 38
Determine Orifice Size .................................................. 40
Strainer ......................................................................... 41
Ground Drive Fertilizer Rate ........................................ 42
JohnBlue Pump Rate .................................................... 42
Setting Relief Valve....................................................... 44
Appendix A ................................................................. 45
Seed Lubricants ........................................................... 45
Appendix B - Metric Charts ....................................... 47
Disk Selection - Corn (metric) ...................................... 47
Disc Selection - Milo & Soybean (metric)..................... 48
Disc Selection - Sunflower, Volumetric, Blank ............. 49
Seed Spacing - Metric.................................................. 50
Meter Pressurization - Metric ....................................... 52
Initial Meter Pressurization: Round Corn ...................... 52
Initial Meter Pressurization: Flat Corn........................... 53
Sprocket Indexing Charts - Metric................................ 54
Furrow Check - Metric.................................................. 56
Meter RPM Limit - Metric ............................................. 57
Volumetric - Metric Charts ........................................ 65
Volumetric Furrow Checking Rate - Metric .................. 66
Volumetric Meter RPM Limits - Metric ......................... 67