Monarch Instrument Pocket-Tach Plus Kit h Plus Kit User Manual
Page 6

measures speed or linear rate with respect to time. Time intervals
are seconds, minutes or hours. Rotational speed can be
measured as Revolutions (Revs) per second, per minute or per
hour. The most common measurement being RPM or Revs per
minute using the optical tachometer mode. Measurement of units
other than Revs requires the attachment of the linear contact
wheel and contact tip assembly. With this easily attached wheel,
the unit can measure RATE inputs - inches, feet, yards, centime-
ters and meters either per second, per minute or per hour, as well
as miles per hour. The user can recall the maximum and
minimum values with the R button.
accumulates input on an ongoing basis. In the simplest form the
unit acts as an optical counter, incrementing the display each
time an input pulse is sensed. Using the Contact Wheel
attachment the unit can totalize in inches, feet, yards, centimeters
and meters. The user can freeze the display at any time without
affecting the count by pressing the R button. Press the middle
button to reset total to 0 (zero).
accumulates time in hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of
a second. There are two modes of operation. The Manual mode
operates like a stopwatch, the timing period being started and
stopped by the middle button. The Auto mode can be stopped
and started by the user or by a piece of reflective tape on the
objects. A LAP time can be saved in either mode by pressing the
R button.
To prepare a shaft for non-contact measurement of speed, carefully clean an area of the
shaft of all grease and dirt and apply a piece of Reflective Tape to the cleaned surface.
Typically, a half inch square of Reflective Tape is convenient. For smaller shafts,
smaller pieces of tape down to approximately 1/8 inch in length may be used. Always use
Reflective Tape supplied. Additional tape is available in five foot rolls, part number T-5.
The ergonomic design of POCKET-TACH makes the non-contact measurement of speed
extremely simple. Aim POCKET-TACH at the reflective marker using the sight bars on
the top surface of the instrument as an aid in locating the target. A light emanates from
the underside of the POCKET-TACH parallel to the top surface and in line with the sight
bars. This design allows you to view the target on the rotating shaft and the display on
the instrument simultaneously. To measure, press and hold the middle button on the
As Manufacturer:
Monarch Instrument
Division of Monarch International Inc.
15 Columbia Drive, Amherst NH 03031 USA
declares under Monarch’s sole responsibility that the product:
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards:
and therefore conforms with the requirements of Council Directive
89/336/EEC relating to electromagnetic compatibility. The testing of this
product was performed by Retlif Testing Laboratories, NH,
December of 1995 (File R-2700NA).
Pocket-Tach Hand Held Tachometer
Models: Plus, 100
EN55011: 1991 Group 1 Class B
March 1996
Alan Woolfson, VP Engineering
Manufacturer (Amherst, NH) (Authorized Signature)