Implementation – ClearOne StreamNet StarDraw Control User Manual
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The ClearOne StreamNet system is a networked Audio/Video streaming system. This makes it
loosely defined as a switcher where the Audio/Video signals from a source “stream” to one or
multiple destinations (Zone or Room).
To interface StreamNet to a Stardraw controller, the programmer must perform the following steps:
1. Obtain the Licensed Stardraw Controller software from Stardraw.
2. Install the Stardraw Controller software on the PC or laptop that is to become the Stardraw
3. Start a New Stardraw Project
4. Import the “Clearone Streamnet Demo software into the Stardraw project. (“Clearone StreamNet
Demo v1_0.apw”)
5. Create and Define the ID’s for StreamNet
6. Create the UI controls for the devices using the Stardraw application.
7. Complete and deploy the project
After you have purchased, installed and launched the Stardraw Control software, you must launch
and start a new project from the following:
You are presented a screen to choose a template for the project.