Customizing the user defined keys – ClearOne Table Controller for XAP User Manual
Page 14

The fields in the Command Editor and Status Editor at the bottom of the Controller Builder
window change depending on which key you choose to customize. For example, if you are
customizing the MUTE key and choose the MUTE command, then you can only select the
device type, DID, command, channel, group, and value for the press and release states (see
Figure 2.8). If you are customizing the DOWN key and choose the RAMP command, then the
you can select the device type, DID, command, channel, group, rate, and target for the press
and release states. The Status Editor fields also change according to the key selected.
2. Click the key you wish to customize and select the command and parameters for that command that
you desire--you can choose from MACRO, MUTE, and NONE for the mute key or RAMP, GAIN,
MACRO, and NONE for the volume keys. All commands and parameters are standard Converge Pro
commands and parameters. If you need further clarification of any of these commands or parameters,
please refer to the specific Converge Pro User’s Manual for your system. Note that the command
NONE means that the key will be inactive and that nothing will happen when it is pressed or released.
Note: When you use the MACRO command, be sure that your macros are correct. Controller
Builder does not control macros, it simply programs your controller to run the macro when the
specific key is pressed or released and then display the results you desire in the controller’s
display window.
3. When you are finished, save your settings by clicking the Save icon.
4. If Controller Builder is currently connected to the Tabletop Controller, continue with step 5. If not, con-
nect to the controller (see the Connect menu for information on how to connect to the Tabletop Con-
5. Click the Download Document to the Controller icon or the Apply button to transfer the settings to
the controller. The controller display shows the status of the settings being downloaded to the con-
troller and when the transfer is completed.
Note: If you do not download the settings to the controller before closing Controller Builder,
then your Tabletop Controller WILL NOT be programmed with the new settings--changes made
in Controller Builder are not automatically downloaded to the controller.
Customizing the User Defined Keys
Customizing the user defined keys enables you to use your Tabletop Controller to control a myriad of devices
and functions. These keys can be programmed with any of the following commands: GAIN, MACRO,
NONE. The following process describes how to customize the room audio keys for your Tabletop Controller:
1. Click the User Defined Keys button. The USER 1, USER 2, USER 3, USER 4, and USER 5 keys
are outlined in the Controller Builder window. Click the key you wish to modify or select the key from the
Select Key drop-down list.