Customizing your controller, Customizing the dial keys – ClearOne Table Controller for XAP User Manual

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Understanding the functions of the key grouping buttons, description fields, command editor, and status
editor are best explained by describing the process for customizing the various keys for your controller.

Customizing the Dial Keys

Customizing the dial keys enables you to determine which telco device your controller will control for dialing
purposes. The following process describes how to customize the dial keys for your controller:

1. Click the Dial Keys button. The dial keys are outlined in the Controller Builder window.
2. In the Unit to dial with field in the Command Editor at the bottom of the Controller Builder window,

select the device type that will be performing the dialing and that device's ID (DID) (the asterisk “*” indi-
cates all devices--or global) from the drop-down menus. The available devices are all telco devices.

Note: The name that appears on your Tabletop Controller’s display is the name of the unit you
choose to dial with in the Unit to dial with field. If you wish to change this name, refer to your
Converge Pro User’s Manual for the more information.

3. When you are finished, save your settings by clicking the Save icon
4. If Controller Builder is currently connected to the Tabletop Controller, continue with step 5. If not, con-

nect to the controller (see the Connect menu for information on how to connect to the Tabletop Con-