Winchester Repeating Arms SX-AR (Historic Manual) User Manual
Page 9

In conventional firearm terminology the position and
movement of firearm parts are described as they occur
with the firearm horizontal and in the normal firing
position: i.e., the muzzle is forward or in front; the
buttstock is rearward or to the rear; the trigger is
downward or underneath; the rib is upward or on
top. For general parts nomenclature, refer to Figure 1
on page 6. Figure 2, on pages 8-9, covers the general
features and benefits of the SX-AR design. Throughout
this owner’s manual the “action” refers to the mechanism
of this rifle which loads and secures the cartridges in
the chamber.
The serial number is located on the left side of the
receiver, just above the trigger. Record the serial number
at the front of this owner’s manual for future reference.
wear eye ProteCtion when asseMbling and
disasseMbling your riFle to Prevent sPrings,
sPring-loaded Parts, solvents or other agents
FroM ContaCting your eyes, resulting in injury.
Various exposed metal parts of this rifle have been coated
at the factory with a rust preventative compound. Before
using the rifle, clean the anti-rust compound from the
inside of the barrel, receiver, bolt and the action/chamber
areas with a high-quality, lightweight gun oil as explained
on page 21.
If your rifle is to be stored, it is acceptable to leave the rust
preventative compound on the rifle and keep it in its
original packaging. Never fire the rifle upon purchase
without cleaning it first. If the rifle contains hardened
grease or other substances that you cannot remove, have
the rifle checked by your dealer or a qualified gunsmith.
always KeeP the “saFety” in the on saFe Position
unless shooting is iMMinent. always KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direCtion. Failure to
Follow these warnings Could result in serious
injury or death.
The SX-AR rifle utilizes a “safety” located on the trigger
guard just rearward of the trigger. (Figure 3, page 10). This
location is easily manipulated with the index finger of
either hand. With the “safety” pushed completely to the
right, the rifle is in the “on safe” position, and rearward
movement of the trigger is completely blocked.
(Continued on page 10.)
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