Winchester Repeating Arms SX-AR (Historic Manual) User Manual

Page 26

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1. Before reinstalling the trigger group, make sure

that the bolt is fully forward and engaged in the

locked position.

2. Visually check the “safety” on the trigger guard to

make certain it is still in the on safe position.

3. Insert the trigger group back into the receiver, lining

up the holes in the trigger group with the holes on

each side of the receiver.

4. Insert the trigger group pins from either side of the

receiver and gently tap them into place using care not

to scratch the receiver.

Your firearm is now fully assembled. Immediately confirm

that the “safety” is in the on safe position. Take time to

wipe down and clean all external surfaces as explained

under “Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions” on

page 21.
NoTICe! do not taKe your FirearM’s aCtion aPart
beyond what is exPlained in this owner’s
Manual. this is a sPeCialiZed, Finely Fitted
MeChanisM; any atteMPt to disasseMble the
inner MeChanisM May daMage it. it is
unneCessary, and May do daMage to the inner
MeChanisM to disasseMble it For routine
Cleaning and oiling. oF Course, MisFortunes
(suCh as droPPing your FirearM in water)
require aPProPriate attention, and in suCh

CirCuMstanCes we reCoMMend you iMMediately
taKe your FirearM to a qualiFied gunsMith.





wear eye ProteCtion when disasseMbling and
Cleaning your riFle to Prevent sPrings, sPring-
loaded Parts, solvents or other agents FroM
ContaCting your eyes, resulting in injury.

We do not recommend disassembling the magazine.

Frequently inspect magazines to determine the need for

cleaning as lubricant and dirt will gradually collect in

the mechanism.
NoTICe! do not taMPer with the asseMbly Pin on
the bottoM oF the MagaZine. doing so will
render the MagaZine inoPerative.






1. Clean the magazine by spraying it with a gun cleaning

solvent that will not adversely affect the polymer

magazine follower or corrode the metal components.

Spray the magazine with this solvent, both inside and

out, to loosen debris.

2. Drain the solvent and residue from inside the magazine.
3. Use compressed air to dry the magazine, or allow it

to air dry, and lightly oil.

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