Winchester Repeating Arms SX-AR (Historic Manual) User Manual

Page 17

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If your rifle is to be put away and stored, do not reload

the rifle or magazine. The chamber and magazine must

remain empty when storing your rifle.

aFter Firing, or when shooting is no longer
iMMinent, iMMediately PlaCe the “saFety” in
the on saFe Position. Failure to Follow these
warnings Could result in serious injury
or death.
even with the bolt oPen aFter shooting, do not
assuMe the riFle is unloaded. always insPeCt
the ChaMber, Feed MeChanisM and MagaZine to
be Certain the riFle is CoMPletely unloaded.
Failure to Follow these warnings Could result
in serious injury or death.



when unloading your riFle always PlaCe the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direCtion and your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. aFter reMoving
the MagaZine, always insPeCt the ChaMber and
barrel CareFully to be sure all live Cartridges

are Cleared FroM the FirearM. Failure to
Follow these warnings Could result in serious
injury or death.






1. Make sure the “safety” is in the on safe position and

the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction.

2. Press the ambidextrous magazine release and remove

the magazine.

3. Pull rearward on the operating handle to draw the bolt

to its rearmost, open position. This will extract and

eject any live cartridge that may be in the chamber.

Please note that the bolt will not automatically lock

in the rearward position when the magazine is

removed or when the magazine is loaded. As a good

safety practice, hold the bolt open and visually inspect

the chamber to be absolutely certain a live cartridge is

not present.

4. With the magazine removed and the chamber empty,

close the bolt.






Unload the magazine by pushing the cartridges, one at a

time, forward and out of the magazine.


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