Winchester Repeating Arms SX-AR (Historic Manual) User Manual

Page 12

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With the “safety” pushed completely to the left the rifle is

off safe and ready to fire. In the off safe position a band of

red is visible on the “safety” where it projects beyond the

left face of the trigger guard (Figure 4).

do not dePend on the red Color alone to
indiCate your FirearM’s saFety status. tiMe,
exPosure to the eleMents, and the abrasive
aCtion oF Cleaning agents Can erase it. Failure
to Follow this warning Could result in serious
injury or death.

To accommodate left-handed shooters the “safety” can be

reversed from right- to left-handed by a qualified

gunsmith. When installed, the left-handed “safety” will

have the “safety” button’s red warning band on the right

side of the trigger guard.

the “saFety” May have been reversed For a
leFt-handed shooter. Please taKe tiMe to
insPeCt your riFle’s “saFety” For the
Positioning Mentioned above. Failure to
Follow this warning Could result in serious
injury or death.





when using the bolt loCK always KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direCtion and KeeP your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. unless shooting
is iMMinent, always reMove the MagaZine FroM
the riFle beFore Closing the bolt to Prevent
inadvertently loading a Cartridge FroM the
MagaZine into the ChaMber.
MaKe sure your Fingers are saFely away FroM
the ejeCtion Port at all tiMes when the bolt is
loCKed oPen and when the bolt is released to
avoid PinChing theM when the bolt Closes.
Failure to Follow these warnings Could result
in serious injury or death.




The “safety” in the
on safe position.

The “safety” in the
off safe position.

09-056-WRA SXAR OM.indd 10

7/31/09 2:35:15 PM