Winchester Repeating Arms SX-AR (Historic Manual) User Manual
Page 25

If any service of the trigger group or bolt becomes
necessary, contact a Winchester Repeating Arms
Authorized Service Center or our Service Facility in
Arnold, Missouri, or a qualified gunsmith.
1. Be certain the rifle is completely unloaded and the
“safety” is in the on safe position.
2. Release the bolt to its forward position.
3. Push in the two trigger group pins from either the
right or left side of the receiver. Use a drive punch or
similar object, using care not to scratch the firearm’s
receiver (Figure 16). Push the trigger group pins clear
through the receiver and remove them.
4. Grasp the trigger guard and pull the trigger assembly
out of the receiver (Figure 17).
5. Perform any cleaning of the parts and receiver cavity
as necessary. We suggest cleaning the trigger group
with a quality aerosol gun solvent. Allow it to dry and
then very lightly oil the moving parts.
NoTICe! do not disasseMble the trigger grouP
beyond this Point. this is a sPeCialiZed, Finely
Fitted MeChanisM; any atteMPt to disasseMble
the inner MeChanisM May daMage it For liFe.
Tap the trigger group pins
through the receiver.
Lift the trigger assembly
from the receiver.
09-056-WRA SXAR OM.indd 23
7/31/09 2:35:17 PM