Configuring palm organizers – Clarinet Systems EthIR LAN User Manual
Page 69

Configuring Palm Organizers
Supports Palm Organizers (Palm IIIx, IIIxe, V, Vx, and VII) with OS 3.3 or greater
installed. Network synchronization to a partner computer via the network using the
EthIR Switch, allows Palm users complete mobility without having to be physically
cradled to the computer. To setup a Palm that has already been locally synchronized
to a partner notebook for infrared network synchronization, perform the following:
1. In the Home menu click Prefs. In the upper right corner click the down-arrow
for the Prefs pull-down menu and make the following changes:
IR to a PC/Handheld
Network: Choose
service except Windows RAS
9 User Name
leave blank
9 Password leave
9 Connection
IR to a PC/Handheld
2. In the Home menu, click the HotSync icon and choose the Modem option.
The name of your connection service will appear directly below the HotSync
graphic. Disregard the phone number entry. Click the Option List button
(bottom-left button on the bottom panel). Change as follows:
Modem Sync Perfs:
LANSync Prefs:
Primary PC Setting
Enter NetBIOS name of partner computer
or leave blank. Enter the IP address and
subnet assigned to the partner computer.
If DHCP assigned, enter at lease the first
3 octets (e.g. 192.168.101)
Connection Setup
IR to a PC/Handheld
3. On the partner computer, right click on the HotSync icon on the system tray
and insure that Network is checked on. Point the Palm’s infrared port toward
an EthIR Beam and tap the HotSync icon. Synchronization should take place.
To sync locally via a cradle at any time simply choose the Local option and
sync. No changes have to be made. To sync via infrared just choose Modem