Canon CR-DGi User Manual

Page 26

background image


3.10 Menus


Save: This stores unsaved images.
Save retouched image: This saves retouched images. This does not overwrite the image. It is saved under a

new file name.

Print: This opens the Print dialog box.
Print preview: This opens the Print Preview screen.
Print setup: This opens the Printer Setup screen.
This exits the application.

Edit menu:

Undo: This deletes the last revision made for the study information.

Adjust image: This opens the Adjust Image screen.

Edit image information: This corrects the study information.

Delete: This deletes the selected image.

Setup: This displays the Setup dialog box.

View menu:

Zoom in: This provides an enlarged view.

Zoom out: This provides a reduced view. The view cannot be reduced smaller than the size of the main


Fit image to window: This displays the main screen size to fit the main window.

Original size: This displays the image at the original image size.

JPEG: This displays a JPEG image.

BMP: This displays a BMP image.

Help menu:

DGi Image Viewer help: This displays online help.

About DGi Image Viewer: This displays the version information.