Starlight Xpress SXVR-H18 User Manual
Page 3

Handbook for the SXVR-H18
Issue 1 March 2010
Windows will report ‘Found new hardware’ and will ask for the location of the
drivers. Point the installer at your CD ROM and the driver installation should proceed
smoothly. (Ignore any warnings about the driver having not been tested by Microsoft).
At the end of this process, the USB interface will be installed as a ‘BlockIOClass
device’ and the camera software will be able to access it. You can confirm that the
installation is complete by checking the status of the USB devices in the Windows
‘Device Manager’ (see above). Start up the Windows ‘Control Panel’ and select
‘System’. Now click on the tab labelled ‘Device Manager’, ‘Hardware’, and all of the
system devices will be displayed in a list (see above). If the installation is successful,
there will be a diamond shaped symbol labelled ‘BlockIOClass’ and clicking on the
‘+’ sign will reveal it to be a ‘Starlight Xpress USB 2.0 SXV-H18 camera driver’. If