Starlight Xpress CoStar User Manual
Handbook for the sx ‘costar’ guide camera

CoStar handbook Issue 1 May 2011
Handbook for the SX ‘CoStar’ guide camera
Thank you for purchasing a Starlight Xpress ‘CoStar’ guide camera. We hope that you will be very
pleased with the performance of this product.
The CoStar is a very compact guider which is powered and operated via a single USB2.0 computer
connection. It also provides an opto-isolated output connection for direct control of most mounts, via
their ‘Autoguider’ sockets. This output is compatible with the ‘ST4’ style of RJ12 connection and
supplies 4 ‘pull down’ direction lines and a common return. Alternatively, you may send the mount
control signals via a serial connection from the guider control computer.
The CoStar utilises a sensitive Aptina MT9M001 mono Cmos imager with an array of 1304 x 1024
pixels in a ‘half-inch’ format. Although the chip is not cooled, it has a low dark signal and readout
noise, so it can be used to guide on faint stars that are beyond the reach of webcams and older CMOS
chip based guide cameras.
The CoStar specification:
Aptina MT9M001 Cmos monochrome imager
Pixel count
1304(H) x 1024(V)
Pixel size
8.2 x 8.4uM
Barrel size
32mm dia. x 60mm long (1.25 inch eyepiece push fit size)
Barrel thread
1 inch x 32TPI ‘CS’ mount lens thread
Input connection -
‘Mini B’ USB socket for USB2.0
Output connection -
5 way JST ‘ZH’ style 1.5mm pitch plug to RJ12 autoguider plug
Output type
Opto-isolated 4 lines (N,S,E & W) pull down with common return line
Download rate
Approx. 10 frames per second in subframe mode
Installing the CoStar:
A new installation will require the driver files SXVIO.sys and Generic.sys, plus the SXVIO_CoStar.inf
file. If you run the ‘Setup.exe’ file on the supplied CD, it will install the drivers and operating software
automatically. If you are installing manually, copy these files into a convenient folder on drive C and
then connect the USB cable to the CoStar. Point the installer at this folder when it asks for the location
of the drivers and you should see it set up the hardware as a ‘BlockIOClass’ device in Device Manager.