Starlight Xpress SXVR-H18 User Manual
Page 24

Handbook for the SXVR-H18
Issue 1 March 2010
Aligning the CCD to the optical axis
The large area of the KAF 8300 CCD can lead to problems of alignment between the
CCD plane and the focal plane of the telescope. If you can detect uneven star image
distortions towards the edge of the CCD field, this may indicate that the CCD plane
needs to be adjusted. The front plate of the SXVR-H18 incorporates three sets of
antagonistic screws that allow the plate to be tilted by up to about +/- 1 degree relative
to the CCD surface. To make an adjustment, slacken the appropriate set screw and
then turn the adjacent cap head screw in the required direction. Complete the
adjustment by re-tightening the set screw.
Avoid raising the plate by more than is necessary to level it, as a slight light leak may
occur between the disk and camera body if the gap is large.
Some details of the camera and CCD characteristics
CCD type:
Kodak KAF 8300M ‘Blue Plus’ full-frame CCD imager.
CCD size:
Active area
17.96 x 13.52mm
Pixel size:
5.4 x 5.4uM
Number of pixels:
QE peak:
approx. 56% at 550nM
Spectral response:
Dark signal:
Typically 0.01 e per sec at -10C CCD temperature
Power consumption:
220v / 110v AC @ 12 watts max., 12v DC @ 750mA