Outputs – analog and digital, Analog output bus, Digital output bus – Sound Devices 722 User Manual

Page 24: Analog output bus digital output bus

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722 User Guide and Technical Information


v. 2.67

Features and specifications are subject to change. Visit for the latest documentation.

Outputs – Analog and Digital

The 722 has two discrete output buses , the Analog Output Bus (Bus 1) and the Digital Output Bus

(Bus 2). Each side (left and right) of the two-channel buses are assigned their audio sources indepen-

dently, enabling the 722 to feed multiple audio devices with unique program content.

The chart below shows the audio sources available for the analog and digital output buses. The au-

dio source for each output is selected in the setup menu.

Available Output Sources






Inputs are assignable for each channel of the output bus.

When inputs are selected as the source for the outputs, the state of recording or playback activity has no
effect on the output signal. This allow uninterrupted input audio at the output.





Track assignments and playback audio.



Multiple inputs are summed with these selections.



Multiple track assignments are summed with these selections.

Analog Output Bus

Audio signals routed to the Analog Output Bus (Bus 1) are sent to three output connections:

• analog line out, TA3 x 2, two-channel

• analog tape out, 3.5 mm TRS, two-channel

Analog Line Out L, R

The analog line outputs are active-balanced line-level signals on Switchcraft TA3M locking connec-

tors. The output level is a nominally 0 dBu at


20 dBFS. The level of the line output can be attenuated

in the setup menu by up to 40 dB in 1 dB increments. Attenuation is done as an output pair.

Analog Tape Output

The tape output connection is stereo, unbalanced consumer output level (–10 dBV) on a TRS 3.5 mm

connector. Output attenuation affects this output level.

Digital Output Bus

Just as with the Analog Output Bus, the Digital Output Bus (Bus 2) can be assigned signal sources

from inputs or tracks. Sources assigned to the Digital Output Bus are exclusive and do not affect the

assignments to the Analog Output Bus or headphone assignments. The same signal sources available

for the Analog Output Bus are available for Digital Output Bus (see chart above).

The Digital Output Bus appears solely on the AES3id BNC output connector. The unbalanced

AES3id output is directly compatible with most S/PDIF inputs.

The format for the AES3id output is selectable between professional AES and SPDIF. In either case

the SCMS bit is not set.

The maximum output level is 0 dBFS and can be attenuated in the setup menu in 1 dB increments by

40 dB.