Sound Devices 722 User Manual
Page 12

722 User Guide and Technical Information
v. 2.67
Features and specifications are subject to change. Visit for the latest documentation.
24-Hour Time Counter
24-Hour time is displayed
when the Setup Menu option
Time Counter: Mode is set to 24h.
The A-time and the 24-Hour Time
Counter display can be exchanged if
a large 24-Hour Time Counter display
is needed.
See 24-Hour Time Counter for
Input 1/2 Level
When input 1 or 2 gain is turned this
indicates the gain level in dB for inputs
1 and 2. Gain levels can be selected to
always be displayed in the Setup Menu
LCD: Gain Display. Normal
mic input gain range is from 26 dB to
70 dB, low gain mic range is from 10 dB
to 50 dB, line input range is from
6 dB
to 18 dB. “Locked” will be displayed
on the LCD when the pot is turned
with digital inputs selected or with line
inputs set to menu control.
Cue Marker Display
In record mode, indicates when cue
markers are set. Markers set by pressing
the record key (option must be selected
in setup menu). In playback mode, dis-
plays cue points numerically as they are
reached in a file.
External Digital Clock Indicator
The 722 is locked to a valid external
digital or word clock source when the L
is in the display.