Sound Devices 702 User Manual
Page 63

702 User Guide and Technical Information
Setup Name
Setup Description
Setup Options
Input 1: 48V Phantom
Input 2: 48V Phantom
Enables or disables 48 V phantom power on
inputs 1 and 2.
• Off
• On - Mic
• On - Mic and Line
Mic Inputs: Limiter
Enables or disables the analog input limiter on
input 1 and 2 mic preamps.
• Disabled
• Enabled
Mic Input 1: Low Cut
Mic Input 2: Low Cut
Enables the high-pass (low cut) filter to reduce
sensitivity to low frequencies.
• Disabled
• Enabled
Mic Input 1: Low Cut Freq
Mic Input 2: Low Cut Freq
Selection of twelve high-pass filter frequency
and slope combinations for microphone inputs.
• 40, • 80, • 160, • 240 Hz @ 12 dB/oct
• 40, • 80, • 160, • 240 Hz @ 18 dB/oct
• 40, • 80, • 160, • 240 Hz @ 24 dB/oct
Mic Input 1: Gain Range
Mic Input 2: Gain Range
Selects the sensitivity of the microphone input.
Low sensitivity is used for very loud and/or
very hot microphones.
• Normal
• Low
• Normal, fades to off
• Low, fades to off
Input 1, 2: Source
Forces the inputs to analog or digital mode.
Default is auto-select.
• Auto-select
• Analog
• Digital (S/PDIF/AES)
• Disabled (Power Save)
Input 1,2: Linking, MS
Selects whether the input 1 & 2 levels are
controlled independently or grouped as a pair
with or without mid-side decoding.
• Unlinked
Inputs 1 and 2 operate independently
• Linked 1/2
Inputs are linked, channel 1 pot controls level, chan-
nel 2 pot controls pan
• Linked 1/2 and MS
Inputs are linked, channel. 1 pot controls level,
channel. 2 pot controls pan and are decoded for MS
Line Input 1,2: Gain Control
When inputs 1 and 2 are in LINE input mode,
selects whether the gain setting is controlled
by the front panel knobs or by the menu
sensitivity settings below.
• Use front panel knobs
• Use sensitivity settings
Line Input 1: Gain
Line Input 2: Gain
Adjusts the input sensitivity of line-level inputs
when set to Use Sensitivity Settings.
Adjustable from -6 dB to +18 dB in 0.1 dB steps.
Input 1: Delay
Input 2: Delay
Sets a digital delay for each input. Can be
used to compensate for delay in various
digital wireless microphone units or digital
0 to 30 milliseconds, 0.1 mS increments
0 mS to 30,000 mS up to 48.048 kHz Fs
0 mS to 15,000 mS up to 96.096 kHz Fs
0 mS to 7,500 mS up to 192 kHz Fs
File: Marker Mode
Enables the user to set cue points on the fly
while recording by pressing the record key.
• Markers Disabled
No cue marks are set.
• New Cue
Cue markers will be set within one contiguous file.
• New File
A new file is started with each press of the record
key, the take counter is increased by one.
File: Max Size
Selects the file size where the 702 will close,
then start a new file. The 702 will not record a
file larger than the selected size.
The largest file permissible with the 702’s
FAT32 file system is 4 GB
• 4 GB CF (3.6 GB)
• 2 GB CF (1.8 GB)
• 1 GB CF (950 MB)
• 512MB CF (450 MB)
File: Folder Options
Allows user to organize files in root and sub-
folders. To not use any folders select
on every level.
File: View Files
Enters the file directory tree for the selected
Highlight media descriptor to navigate the menu
File: View Take List
Allows user to view the last 200 takes. Takes
can be selected and converted to circle takes.
• Circle